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Re: Could Zetatalk Sue You for Libel?

In Article <[email protected]> ABC wrote:
> Why Nancy did not wish me to  make copies of
> zetatalk on CDROM and distribute them in a 3rd
> world country that the people could stick in a
> computer and read the website without having to
> access the internet, I'll never understand. Because
> it is not like she will ever see any money from
> any of those people and when the waves come
> crashing in, they'll be gone. Better for them to have
> known a greater truth, I said. But she still refused
> my request.

Thanks for all your kind words on my behalf, ABC.  All the insults
ZetaTalk receives, rather than being ignored, is because is it NOT
crazy, but a threat.  Those who want the public dumb and complacent
until the last moment don’t want the public considering what ZetaTalk
has to say.  This is why, when I’m broke, spent more money publishing
the book than I’ve received or hope to receive (giving it away for free
on the web does NOT sell books) and my son, who holds a patent only and
does NOT sell dome homes nor seen a penny return on investment and is
not likely to before the pole shift, I get attacked for making money.
The nonprofit booklet
which I helped develop in PageMaker on my PC, from material our blind
Secretary distilled from the Troubled Times pages for which I was the
web mistress lo these many years from its inception, tells people that
they should RELY ON THEMSELVES, and DO NOT NEED MONEY to survive, in
fact, will be better of for not being rich and well stocked, thus a
target for looting.

This is why, when Hazelwood suggests E-Biz scams to the public he spams
with email advertising a “book” that is composed of what he mostly
plagarized from my web site, and gets into alliances with marketers like who hope to profit from the panic, he gets left alone.
He’s not the threat.
In addition, he tries to put himself on stage, and then twists the facts
so the public is misled.  Like Planet X will not pass until July 2003.
Like some doctor living in Florida has been made privy to a private
session with NASA, in Boston, viewing Planet X from a direct link from
the Hubble during a time when Planet X is in the Sun and the Hubble
would never be pointed there.  He’s not only not the threat, he can be
guaranteed to be a pawn of the disinfo artists.  I’ve warned FROM THE
BEGINNING to be wary of people like he and his associates, who are
looking to profit from panic and utterly lacking in integrity.

I consider that if someone in the Third Word has a CDROM in their
computer, they can access the ZetaTalk web site and whack it for a LOT
less money than it would take to distribute CDROMs.  This way the
message does not get “modified”, as Hazelwood and his associates are
likely to do. And a precedence is not set.  Looking over the Hazelwood
saga, I hope you can see how important is to NOT have such a precedence