Re: Planet X Simple Question
Greetings, Augusto
The issue is the return of Planet X on its 3600 year orbit, expected
in May/June 2003.
The debunker group here does not have the ability to show the premise
is wrong. Only the return or non-return in May/June 2003 will decide
that issue.
At this point it can be said,
the only images taken of that area of the sky, done with digital
imaging that cannot be modified without being seen as being modified,
have been taken by a crew hired by Steve Havas. The Debunker group
here has made no effort to shoot or provide other images of their own.
Within those images (3 sets taken over 3 weeks) is evidence to
indicate a planetary object inbound towards the Sun at a high rate of
The Debunkers of Sci.Astro would have you believe it is either imaging
noise, cosmic rays, or processing errors. Nothing you should be
concerned with.
I would say that it would be prudent to consider the possibility and
plan accordingly.
Cooperative efforts on a community level can and will ensure great
success in surviving a poleshift. With enough communities cooperating,
rebuilding a civilized society afterwards is also achievable.
The following websites pertain to the Planet X images
For an indepth look at the future possibilities see
Kindest Regards
J.William Dell
Augusto wrote in message <[email protected]>
> Hello
> I'm far away from you all but have been following debates about Planet
> X. I am not an astronomer, nor even have any degree in science and my
> English is not so good. But what I cannot understand is why not just
> put an end on this subject just showing the guys on Zetatalk are
> really wrong.
> What a comon person can figure out is that nobody around here can
> really say they are wrong or even they are right. If the pics they
> have are so simple to prove not true, why not simply showing that to
> all of us. In the other side if they are so simple to prove true just
> do it.
> In my way it's totally stupid thinking that it is right and everybody
> is trying to say the contrary. Most of the members here must be
> astronomers amateur or professionals or some sort of it, so why not
> simply stopping talking a lot about people being this or that, and
> show us what you really found and why these guys keep saying there is
> a PLanet X. Your debates are read by people who want just an answer
> for that and I think it's reasonable to ask you experts in the matter
> just show us the answer and we will thank you all for the information
> and continue forward with our life.
> Do you realize some people, without any knowledge about astronomy feel
> like a little afraid about what those guys have been talking?? Well,
> just help us understand and make us happy uh??
> Regards From Brasil
> Augusto