Re: ZetaBabble [tm]
In Article <[email protected]> Jim Scotti wrote
> I am speaking the truth when I say that there is nothing
> to cover up in regards to your Planet X - it simply does
> not exist as you have described it and the way that you
> describe it is totally inconsistent with the way we
> understand physics to work.
Ah, you QUALIFIED your answer, Jim, to be as you
[ZetaTalk] have described it and further QUALIFIED
that to be totally inconsistent with the way we
understand physics to work. In the latter, you are
speaking the truth, and we will not challenge you
further on the first portion of your statement, as in
this you are ALSO speaking the truth from your
HUMAN point of view. We will elaborate.
- Man, who recently drew and quartered or burned at
the stake during the Dark Ages in Christianitys history
anyone who suggested that the Earth was NOT flat,
is used to loudly denouncing anyone who questions
the established explanation for how thing are. Newtons
Laws rule but Einstein works better and never mind that
they cant fit together, well let you know when we are
ready to explain this. In the mean time, WE are in
control and dont question your scientific leadership.
Nothing has changed, re man, through the centuries.
- Man, based on leads from various sources goes
looking for Nemesis, the Destroyer of the Kolbrin,
Nibiru of the Sumerian myths, the Red Star of the
Oahspe, the Lord in the Bible, and finds it in the
direction of Orion in 1983 - warm, close, and standing
like a panting wolf about to lunge. Earth changes
begin, the weather becoming erratic, earthquakes
increasing, poles melting, and the control freaks in
both the scientific and political establishments in a
panic about how to STAY IN CONTROL. Dare
they tell the public what they have discovered?
Not until they have answers, else they will look
- Man, seeing changes in Earth they cannot explain
except by the approach of an inbound object LONG
watched by those considered in control of the planet,
debates what to do. Should they share what they
know with the general public, dumping the
information out so that the common man can determine
FOR THEMSELVES, what to do? This threatens job
security. Should they at least WARN the public
that cataclysmic changes, such as the Earth has
clearly experienced before, may be at hand? This
threatens the value of stock, bank stability,
potentially increases bankruptcies, so is endlessly
delayed for EVERY reason except the welfare of
the public, the last concern of those in the
- Man, in desperation to defend the status quo,
musters forth spokespersons to DEFEND their
science, their reporting, and does this from a
scientific point of view. Ancient myths, what is
recorded in the geology of the Earth, current Earth
changes, and the deepening suspicion that the
establishment is LYING to them about these changes,
are to be ignored. The reason? The current
understanding of man, in science, is that such an
approach of a body outside of the solar system,
on an odd orbit, is NOT WITHIN OUR
UNDERSTANDING. Thus, it cannot exist.
Well, we are sure this will be a great relief to the mass
of the public waiting for their leadership to address all
this! Not within the current understanding. Well, in
the past, before the discovery of radio waves, a RADIO
would have been thus, and caused anyone stated that
such a device might transmit information over the air,
from a distance, to be considered crazy! But let us
assume that the current situation is not similar. Man
has progressed, in the past few hundred years, has he
not? Has he progressed past thinking that the Earth is
flat, and putting to death in the most painful manner
any who dare say otherwise? To man, and this includes
Jim Scotti who asserts that IF IT IS NOT WITHIN OUR
the current understanding is the baseline, and
anything other than this is WRONG. Thus, the Earth
is flat, and the radio cannot operate. If Jim has not seen
it, felt it, observed it, is cannot be. No wonder the Pope
chose the University at Tucson to establish the Pope
Scope. A kindred mind!
Jim, please explain to the astronomers on this Usenet
why a sling orbit CANNOT exist, simply because you
have not observed it. Please explain why a smoldering
brown dwarf that is LESS than the size of Jupiter cannot
exist, simply because you have not observed it. Please
explain why a planet cannot approach one of its foci in
rapid speed, such that it is perhaps a quarter of the
speed of light, simply because you have not observed it.
Please explain why a gravity repulsion force cannot exist,
which prefectly explains why your Moon stays suspended
where it does, moving as slowly around the Earth as it
does, contrary to your Law of Gravity which would make
it plummet to Earth promptly, simply because you have
not yet pronounced such a force in existence. We, and
the readership which hopes to hold you in continuing
respect, await your reply.
See: Weather Watch (
See: Quake Patterns (
See: Geo Change (
See: Slowing (
See: Sitchin Velikosky (
See: Legends (
See: 1998 sci.astro Debates (
> Jim Scotti
> Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
> University of Arizona
> Tucson, AZ 85721 USA