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Re: Jan 25th Havas Images

Jim Scotti wrote in message <[email protected]>
> Steve Havas wrote on Tue, 28 Jan 2003 00:40:16 GMT:
> :SH I believe the areas identified on the images as "px white & red" have
> :SH been consistently growing larger and brighter, although not drastically
> :SH over the last few months as they still show up as a relatively few pixels.
> :SH I previously mentioned that the numerous dozens of moons may show up or
> :SH not depending on how they are lined up behind the planet and I think 
> :SH on some of the previous images that they have been lined up in such a 
> :SH way as to be more obvious on the images.
> Or maybe it will just appear where another convenient speck of noise happens
> to land?

Recent images on Jan 28 show a new object at the predicted coordinates. Expect
to see the files on ZT soon :

> :SH I recall in one of your previous posts with Nancy that you assumed Px
> :SH should be close to Saturn's distance stating that it would be an 
> :SH obvious naked eye visible object. I have no idea how to predict the 
> :SH magnitude of objects in space but I do know Px should not be as bright 
> :SH as Saturn right now.
> No mystery - I used a distance I read someone using in this newsgroup.  I
> can't help it if Nancy, er, the Zetas change their stories as time goes on 
> and distances are open for interpretation, apparently.

However, shows how serious you are at getting the pertinent information correct.
Zetatalk has never published contradictory information regarding the distance 
of Px. Your stories, apparently, are open to interpretation.

> :SH We should not close our eyes to something just because it doesn't fit 
> :SH with what we've seen before.
> The next time I see any evidence for the existence of anything that Nancy 
> and her imaginary Zetas have predicted will be the first time.  If it was 
> there, I'd see it. It isn't there....

Your position on this is well stated. If you see "convincing" evidence, do you
plan on changing your stance? If Px does not come by in May, I will have no
choice but to admit a catastrophic error in judgement, but will you be willing
to do the same with the tables turned the other way around?

> :SH We can also rest assured that if Px does come by in May you will be
> :SH unaccountable for except by from your conscious as the destruction on
> :SH Earth is described to be great.
> <sarcasm>
> Boy am I shaking in my boots with that threat....  I'm definitely worried 
> that I'll be loosing sleep over my concern for "Px"!
> </sarcasm>

That was not meant as a threat, just how I see the situation.

> Jim.
> Jim Scotti
> Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
> University of Arizona
> Tucson, AZ 85721 USA