ZetaTalk: Unemotional
Note: written May 15, 1997.
We are clearly more intelligent than the humans we are responding to, but beyond this IQ difference we are also brooking no nonsense in our replies, and thus the
interpretation by some humans that our responses are unemotional.
- Sentimentality has its place in developing bonds, but this is not our primary intent during these discourses. Our bonding activities are engaged in one-to-one
with our human contactees, who have given The Call to us due to the nature of their call being oriented toward Service-to-Others. It is here that we bond
and deal with emotions on our part or on the part of the contactee. In this public forum, sentimentality would be used by our enemies as a diversion. This
tack has been used in the past, within the history of ZetaTalk, so we are speaking from experience.
- Our primary purpose is to establish truth, on many matters often deliberately confused by those in what we term the establishment in human society, so that
mankind might arrive at their own conclusions armed with the facts and insights they are not otherwise allowed to arrive at due to lack of information or
distorted or untruthful information from the establishment. We are not ruthless, unless those who do not wish the facts lined up impeccably are complaining
about the lack of wiggle room they are given.